Saturday, March 18

Air Transport

A. Air Transport

Aircrafts are known to carry tourists over long distances.

About 97% of international tourists arrive in India today by air.

Within the country, 82% of them travel by air as compared to 11% by sea and water routes and 7% by land routes.

It will convert 12 of our international airports into model ones and will upgrade the other

ones at important tourist places.

Amritsar-Srinagar in the north, Hyderabad-Bangalore-Kochchi in the south,

Ahmedabad-Goa in the west and Guwahati in the north east.

The major international airports at our metro cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and

Chennai are already included as the cores for extension of improvement facilities.

Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar and Jaipur, the three of most frequented

tourist cities will not be left over for long.

Next in line is Nagpur to be converted into an international airport. In addition, we have got 85 domestic airports and 28 civil aviation terminals for smaller aircraft at present.

Air connections for popular tourist destinations have become such a foremost need

that it is tempting many state governments to come forward with new ideas.

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